关联连词(Correlative Conjunctions)是用来连接两个观点的成对短语或单词。我们将分享一些关联连词的用法,以及它们如何运用到你的学术写作上。
- either/or: The animals were administered either vehicle or drug.
- neither/nor: The slurry was affected neither by heat treatment nor by irradiation.
- not only/but also: The additive acted not only as a surfactant but also as a reducing agent.
- not/but: The nanoparticles were not red but blue.
- Chemical monolayers allow not only surface functionalization but also provide stabilization. (错误)
- Chemical monolayers not only allow surface functionalization but also provide stabilization. (正确)
在第一个例子中,not only 后面是 " surface functionalization",而 but 后面是 " provide stabilization"。这两个短语在语法上并不等同(前者是宾语,后者是谓语)。相反,在第二个例子中,不仅后面跟了 " allow surface functionalization",而且后面还跟了 " provide stabilization"。这些短语在语法上是一样的,因为它们都是谓语(即包含动词的语句)。
需要帮助决定关联连词的位置以确保并列性吗?正确使用关联连词时,如果去掉整个关联连词及其所包含的文字,句子在语法上仍然是正确的。例如,从 " Chemical monolayers not only allow surface functionalization but also provide stabilization"这句话中去掉 " not only…but also"之间的所有内容,我们就会得到 " Chemical monolayers provide stabilization",这在语法上仍然是正确的(尽管意思有所改变)。
最后,使用关联连词时要注意主谓一致。对于描述两个主语或两个宾语的 " either...or"和 " neither...nor"语句,动词应与句中最后出现(即最靠近动词)的主语或宾语一致:
- Neither the nanoparticles nor the drug was cytotoxic.
- Neither the drug nor the nanoparticles were cytotoxic.
在第一个例子中,动词是单数,与 " drug"一致,而在第二个例子中,动词是复数,与 " nanoparticles"一致。
我们希望本期的编辑提示能帮助你在学术写作中自信地使用关联连词。如果您有任何意见或问题,请发送电子邮件至 AskAnExpert@aje.com。AJE祝您一切顺利!