1. 选择有效的动词
例如,“The measurements of the soil moisture were made at dawn”可改为 “The soil moisture was measured at dawn”,使用更贴切的 " measured "来取代平平无奇的动词 " made "。同样,“A comparison between the groups was performed”变成 “The groups were compared”。
2. 使用缩略语和首字母缩略词
此外,灵活使用缩写和首字母缩略词可以减少字数。为一个常见术语使用太多的新缩写会让读者感到困惑,但如果是领域内的标准缩写,AJE建议在第一次使用时应该对其定义后再使用,例如:" root mean square "通常被缩写为 "RMS",这样可以为每个实例节省两个字。
3. 尽量使用简洁的动词,如 “There is/are…”
一段言简意赅的句子,每个词都有其重要意义。而在“there is (an X that Y)” 的结构中,),” “there” 和 “is” 除了使句子在语法上正确外,没什么作用。对这种句子其实可以用更少的词来表达。例如, “There is a key that opens the lock” 可以改写为 “A key opens the lock” , “There is a correlation between the data” 可以改写为 “The data are correlated.”
4. 准确表述研究发现
当想使用诸如 " It was found that..."这样的短语时,先思考下是否有必要这样提醒读者:下面的内容是研究发现。如果句子表现很清楚了,就可以在不改变原意的情况下删除这样的短语。例如, “It was found that the bees in the treatment group were less productive” 可以改写为 “The bees in the treatment group were less productive”。
学术写作中一个常见的问题是过分热衷于表示结果是近似或可能的,但并不确定。例如," the value was estimated to be approximately 9.7 "是多余的:" estimated "表示结果是近似值。因此,使用" the value was approximately 9.7"或 " the value was estimated to be 9.7"表述更可取。此外," The results imply that the disorder might be characterized..."这句话包含两个表示不确定性的短语,即 " imply "和 "might be "。更好的措辞是 " The results imply that the disorder is characterized...."
5. 报告数字结果时使用括号
- The value of A was 8.9 in 1956, 14.9 in 1966, and 17.4 in 1976. The value of B was 1.2 in 1956, 3.4 in 1966, and 5.5 in 1976.
- 更简洁的表述:The values of A and (B) were 8.9 (1.2) in 1956, 14.9 (3.4) in 1966, and 17.4 (5.5) in 1976.
- A, B, and C had a mean of 6 with a standard deviation of 1, a mean of 8 with a standard deviation of 2, and a mean of 5 with a standard deviation of 2, respectively.
- 更简洁的表述:A, B, and C had a mean (± standard deviation) of 6 (±1), 8 (±2), and 5 (±2), respectively.
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