- The asteroid belt is approximately 1,000 times farther from the Sun than the Earth and Moon.
这个句子目前的结构让人觉得小行星带到太阳的距离与太阳到地球和月球的距离相比较。然而,这种解释是不正确的(小行星带到太阳的距离只是地球或月球的 2 到 3 倍)。
相反,可以考虑 这样写"The asteroid belt is approximately 1,000 times farther from the Sun than the Earth is from the Moon"。现在,我们将前两者之间的距离与后两者之间的距离进行比较。
- Treatment with Compound A generated more muscle regrowth than Compound B.
这个句子直接将使用化合物 A 的治疗与使用化合物 B 的治疗进行比较,而不是关注使用化合物 B 的治疗效果。
为了节省篇幅,许多比较的写法是不正确的,因为要达到适当的并列结构,往往需要额外的词语。减少比较中附加词数量的一个常见方法是使用指示代词(如 " that "或 " those")。请看下面的例子:
- The growth rate of Mycobacterium smegmatis is faster than Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
相反,可以考虑这样写 " The growth rate of Mycobacterium smegmatis is faster than that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis" ,或者干脆说 " Mycobacterium smegmatis grows faster than Mycobacterium tuberculosis"。
- The bond length of dioxygen is similar to carbon monoxide.
更好的版本应该是 "The bond length of dioxygen is similar to that of carbon monoxide"。
- The colors used in Henri Matisse's paintings are similar to those of Andre Derain.
这句话的另一种写法是 "The colors used in Henri Matisse's paintings are similar to those used in Andre Derain's paintings"。