省略结构(Elliptical Constructions)是为了简洁而省略一个或多个词的句子。这种省略行为也称为 ” elision” 。不过,根据周围的语境,缩短后的句子的意思应该还是很清楚的。一种非常常见的省略技巧是省略含有动词的短语。举一个学术界的例子:
- The positive control exhibited an increase of 14%, the negative control exhibited an increase of 3%, and the experimental group exhibited an increase of 16%.
这个句子很拗口,因为三个分句中都重复出现了 "exhibited an increase of"这个短语。为了使句子更简洁,我们可以从第二和第三个分句中删除这个短语:
- 省略结构:The positive control exhibited an increase of 14%; the negative control, 0%; and the experimental group, 16%.
- The positive control exhibited an increase of 14%, and the negative control exhibited an increase of 0%.
- 省略结构:The positive control exhibited an increase of 14%; the negative control, 0%.
然而,省略结构有时可能不需要额外的标点符号就足够清晰和流畅。如果省略的文字后面是介词,如 "by",就经常会出现这种情况:
- The positive control grew by 4 cm, and the negative control grew by 1 cm.
- 省略结构:The positive control grew by 4 cm, and the negative control by 1 cm.
- The positive control exhibited an increase, and the negative control did not exhibit an increase.
- 省略结构:The positive control exhibited an increase, and the negative control did not.
在这两个省略结构的例子中,请注意分句之间保留了连词(此处为 "and")。
If you have any questions on the topic of elliptical constructions, please write to us at AskAnExpert@aje.com. For information about the use of ellipses when punctuating quotations, refer to our article on punctuating quotes. (/arc/editing-tip-punctuating-quotations), For details on elision when writing a comparison sentence, read our article on comparison sentences.
如果您对省略结构有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 AskAnExpert@aje.com。如果您想了解有关比较句的内容,可以看看我们这篇文章:学术论文中如何写好比较句?实例解析。