插入语(Parenthetical Elements)是指对句子含义而言非必要的信息,如举例、说明或旁白。只要信息不具有限制性,这类句子成分可以包括以下类型的分句和短语:
- Relative clauses, which commonly begin with which, who/whom/whose, where, or when
- The experiment, which was performed in triplicate, yielded significant results. (关系从句)
- The experiment, the first of its kind, yielded significant results.(同位语)
- The experiment, requiring months of planning, yielded significant results. (分词短语)
- The experiment, after months of planning, yielded significant results. (介词短语)
- The experiment, including three replicates and two controls, yielded significant results. (“including” 短语)
In each of these sentences, the phrase bracketed by commas is the parenthetical element. In other words, the sentence “The experiment yielded significant results” maintains its meaning when the parenthetical element is removed.
在上述每个句子中,逗号间隔的前段短语都是插入语。换句话说,去掉逗号后,句子 "The experiment yielded significant results "的意思不变。
请注意,在 e.g. 和 i.e. 的情况下,不仅是插入的信息,缩写本身也应该用逗号,如 "The main limitations of this study, i.e., the small sample size and the lack of a positive control, should be noted"。
与逗号类似,括号将非必要信息与句子的其余部分分开。不过,这种标点符号比逗号更强调其内容,如 "The experiment (the first of its kind) yielded significant results"。此外,括号不要求与句子其余部分有特定的语法联系,如下所示:
- The experiment yielded significant results (p<0.05) after the inhibitor was added.(数据)
- The experiment yielded significant results (see Table 1 for more information) after the inhibitor was added.(独立分句)
破折号通常用来强烈强调插入语,甚至比括号更能表达语气或内容的突然变化。例如,在下面的句子中,用破折号突出了一个附加成分: "This result—an unforeseen consequence of our technique—motivated us to modify the protocol"。虽然逗号或括号在这里也符合语法,但破折号强化了这一发现的意外性。不过,请注意,在学术写作中,逗号和括号比破折号更常用,因为破折号有时会被理解为非正式的。
破折号也可以用来衬托包含逗号的插入语,如下面的例子: "The main limitations of this study—including the small sample size, the lack of a positive control, and its regional focus—should be noted"。
是使用一对逗号、括号还是破折号,这通常需要判断,取决于所传达信息的重要性。一般来说,正如William Safire曾诙谐地写道:"用橄榄大小的术语来说,逗号是大号,括号是巨号,破折号是超级巨号"。然而,请记住,虽然这些标点符号可以为句子添加重要的说明信息,但过度使用它们会分散读者的注意力,打断思路的流畅性。正如生活中的许多方面一样,适度才是最好的。
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